Belgrade WashFechten 2024
Historical Fencing Event
09:00 - 21:00
Photos by Sergey Bobkov
Open Longsword Tournament and Sparring Areas
This will be a single day historical fencing event focused on a longsword tournament with a separate sparring area open to various weapons outside of the tournament itself.
The longsword tournament will be open to all genders and rating levels.
It will be comprised of a group and following elimination and finals phases.
During the groups phase all competitors will also act as judges for other groups while they themselves are not fencing.
The best judges amongst those who haven’t passed the groups phase will be joining the trained judges cadre for the remainder of the matches.
Groups will be comprised of 10 fencers. Each fencer will fence every other fencer in their group.
After the group phase top 16 will be selected and proceed with single eliminations until top 4.
Top 4 will fence to determine the medals.
Fencer judging pairs will be formed once full registration is done and paired up based on combined experience.
Prior to the tournament start there will be a judged match demonstration as well as a short Q&A.
During the group phase trained judges won’t interject in any calls made unless explicitly against the rules of the event. However they will be present to give tips and advice and criticism to fencer judges in between matches.
The best fencer judges will be picked from combined fencer and trained judges votes.
Prizes will be announced in the following months.
During the entire tournament, except during the finals matches, there will be a sparring area dedicated for fencers that wish to fence smallsword, saber, rapier, sidesword, dussack etc.
If you've ever been to Swordplay, Intermezzo, Megdan, Steel&Chill, Sofia CrossSwords, TeutonFecht and similar events you may recognize a similar atmosphere and even some people, try and catch all the intentional and unintentional similarities.
The intent of the event is to have as many people enjoy as much great fencing as possible during a single day while also helping people get judging experience and giving various international fencers a chance to connect. We look forward to having you at our event.
Equipment rules:
(Subject to change)
Tournament rules:
(Subject to change)
Registration form:
Register now! Longsword tournament filling up and later registrations will be put on the waiting list!
SC Rakovica
Photo by Sergey Bobkov
09:00 - 21:00
Register now! Longsword tournament filling up and later registrations will be put on the waiting list!

Photo by Sergey Bobkov
About Belgrade WashFechten 2024

Our Story
We are all deeply engaged in the historical fencing community and its various aspects. From research and instruction to competition and organizing. This event is meant to get as many regional and international fencers together and have a chance to compete, spar, judge and overall interact while having fun.
Photo by Sergey Bobkov
Event Organizers

Event Highlights
Event Sponsors